Comedy in Anime

In class we watched a few scenes from some really hilarious anime! I have only watched a few episodes of Mod Psycho 100, and have yet to start One Punch Man (I really need to get on that, wow), but from what I saw, it was really living up to the hype that so many people have been giving it!
I tend to enjoy watching more lighthearted and humorous anime, so this topic was especially fun to learn more about! Japan's wacky, often nonsensical comedy is always so entertaining to me- even if it doesn't always make sense! Pop Team Epic is such a great example of this absurdist humor, with various quick and unpredictable scenes happening in succession- its incredibly hard to stop watching!

On another note, comedy in anime can also sometimes make me feel sad for not knowing Japanese! Some shows do a lot of gags that are language-specific, specifically with puns. I remember in Kill la Kill, various outfits/upgrades that the characters gain throughout are pun-based! But they make no sense to English audiences!!!! I know that I can just learn Japanese, but I don't have time for that right now ahhh!!!!


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