Thoughts On Hetalia

Ok, first and foremost- I never watched Hetalia! I knew some people growing up who were really into it, but otherwise I ended up steering clear of it up until this point.

Based on what I saw from the presentation, its obvious to me now how the show appealed to so many young girls at its height (back in 2009, I believe?). At that time in my youth, we weren't at the point where we learned in-depth about WWII and the actual Axis-powers- so seeing a show that masquerades as historically accurate/educational seemed completely cool and appealing! Especially with all those 'cute' anime boys!!!

Sadly, having been in AP U.S. History in high school, (and as a Jewish person) I can't imagine ever enjoying Hetalia. The stereotypes, romanticization of the Axis-powers (especially with how obviously militaristic Germany is!!! But they still try to make him likable?? Like what the hell??? His design was so obvious he didn't even need a damn swatstika to reference Nazi Germany), its all just... Really overall insensitive to basically every country/culture that the series has 'characterized'.
So, I'm really not surprised by the class's reaction to this one. Its definitely a product of it's time (but still pretty regressive for 2009 as well), and understandably, the depictions would not sit well in the world's current political climate.

Despite that, I don't think that the fans of the show are bad people- by any means! It seems to me that the people who are still very into the show don't really see these characters as stereotypes of their country at this point??? Like, the characters have been around for so long and have most likely evolved into their own personas at this point, its as if they've been completely removed on from what they originally represented, and are just their own individuals at this point. If that makes any sense?

At least, that's what I would like to think!

Still- people are right for criticizing Hetalia, and I believe it would be good for fans of the show to be more thoughtful and critical towards the implications of these stereotypes/depictions. Especially with the Axis-Powers characters...


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